Brown Territory

Brown Territory

Monday, 25 April 2011

Letter to America /2 "now the green blade riseth "

England has been bathed in summer temperatures for the Easter period and as a result we are graced with beautiful apple blossom ,carpets of bluebells ,pink herb robert colonies, celandine and I noticed Ladysmock and cow parsley all ringing out the spring .The honeysuckle in the garden is also in bud.In the South it has been the hottest April since 1949 .Oh yes and the wisteria under the front window is promising purple blossom within the next few days!

Our noble Finan is progressing well. He excelled himself at the vet and is quite a favourite with the nurses.He has finished his antibiotics and pain killers and when the vet checked he has a very clean gum which is healing well .He is has been eating wet food entirely for a week ,but now we are on dry kibble soaked in water for about another week just to give the jaw a chance to heal even more.We are glad we have insurance! It took a while to get back to exercise at full pelt but yesterday we did and he was contentedly off the lead.
The royal wedding is receiving full coverage on Friday and on Thursday 2 pm I have been invited to a School's  Royal Wedding Street party at an infant school !So we shall be with about 140 5 - 7 year olds........what a real blessing!
I was listening to "Start the week " on radio 4 this morning and Shakespeare was on the agenda for discussion as they are producing a play he wrote with another author in London  shortly. Apparently he had one of the widest vocabularies of some 30,000 words so he literally could paint a canvas of words of 30,000 differents tones and colours.!!
One of our friends (a photographer ) is going on a Storm Chasing holiday in Oklahoma within the next fortnight ( .
Easter week was full of services of all types , friendship , relaxation and at last I have space to recharge before we see you both .,Listened to a radio biography of Carl Sagan and his programme the Cosmos(1981)  on Saturday -that certainly put life  into a proper perspective .
We have an Easter Egg delivery here awaiting Rhys and Sophie hope to see them today .Thank you so much for all your friendship in arranging this trip !
With love
The Silver Hoodie and the Rock


  1. We performed an inventory on our fish freezer today and I am happy to report there is sufficient fresh (frozen) Soldotna salmon and Stan's world famous smoked salmon for both Gilly and Keith to enjoy BBQd, baked, broiled,or in some other fashion for many meals here in our home. Also putting finishing touches on a book "Welcome to Soldotna" for you. Anxiously awaiting your arrival.

  2. Dear Friends ,
    Soldotna salmon sounds scrumptious.Have just woken to a blustery day and the temperature has dropped washing drying on the line but an interesting day in prospect.Eva is coming up for her house sit job description and some crafting together.;-).Mary thanks for your Easter greetings I wish you could join us by using something like a Dr Who Tardis !!

  3. A rainy day here (Tuesday)but with some wonderful news! I heard and then saw the first pair of returning sandhill cranes of this season. We are lucky to have a few pairs settle in the hay field at the bottom of our street. When we are really lucky, they fly over our house in pterodactyl style--legs straight out behind and huge wingspan. I am in love with their music. More about them here:

    Be sure to click on the clip so you can hear their wonderful sound. We will drive to the Kenai River flats tonight to see if we spot any mating couples. The cranes stay here all summer pairing off, mating and raising their beautiful babies return to the southern US states (Mary's country)in September. Last year on sunny cloudless day on a hike high in the mountains we were gifted with the sight of a flock of hundreds flying so very high--almost invisible. Their noise was what first alerted us to them. We laid on our backs in the moss and watched them "V" across the sky. Spring MUST be on its way :)

    Today as I walked around the Country Park I paused to watch a crested grebe diving in almost clear reservoir water .It is not migratory but one of the games we used to play with the grandchildren was to count how long they were underwater (average 20 -30 seconds ) so much so today that the concentric diving circles disappeared and I spotted air bubbles in trying to guess where it would rise again .We should shortly have blue tits nesting in the box in the garden AND the honeysuckle is waking into bloom.

  5. Ha! Thanks for the link to info in the crested grebe. We have never seen one. What a magnificent creature. I hope we get to see a pair doing the weed dance--pretty cute!
