Brown Territory

Brown Territory

Thursday, 17 March 2011

The taste of writing

I enjoy writing and the prospect of this trip into another way of life is tasty . Why ? 

Some years ago, as a family, we got adventurous with our first experiences of travelling abroad  to France and Norway .Each time I kept a journal and now thirty years later they are kept upstairs in the Harry Potter room.Each one allows me time to revisit special memories of Kate and Nick growing up .
These memories are wide ranging from the seemingly mundane to the idyllic .The hotel in the North East where we were locked out of one of our rooms .As a result we all slept cramped restless conditions before leaving Newcastle for Bergen .

I can vividly remember my first view of a majestic albatross in the North sea following our ferry ,the lights of oil rigs at night  and Kate swimming in the smooth cool waters of a glacial lake .Her rhythmic strokes gently rippled the crystal clear lake  on a surprisingly hot day. Then Nick will remember the T shirt that he had bought alone on a shopping trip and which later mysteriously disappeared !

On my birthday this year another journal arrived from Kate and her family .It is pictured above and within its clean white pages I will be able to catch glimpses  our experiences in Alaska.  I shall enjoy shaping new memories for the future.

So the taste of writing  comes full circle  and it feels good!


  1. Beautifully told Gilly.I hope you can fill the pages of your newest journal with more fond memories. Love,
    Stan & Jan

  2. Guaranteed .We are getting very excited at the prospect of nature's Northern garden
    Love G
